Laptop LCD screen display is distorted, switching on your laptop, it boots normally, looking at the
screen you can clearly see that the backlight is on but the picture or video
displayed on the Laptop LCD screen is highly distorted. You try rebooting the
laptop again to see if you will get a better result this time around but things
are still the same, nothing much has changed, you try to figure out what could
be the problem, could it be the VGA card, because definitely it can’t be the backlight
tube since the lighting of the laptop is OK.
Also it can not be the video cable since the Laptop is
actually displaying some picture or video but the only problem is that, the picture
or video is distorted. If the problem is from the video cable, video signal to
the laptop LCD screen would be cut off completely, so that one is more or less
ruled out of the equation, so our options for troubleshooting is narrowed to
the VGA card and the laptop LCD screen.
Possible Faults
Faulty or damaged VGA card
· Bad laptop LCD screen